Friday, May 11, 2012

Social Class

Social Class:  Does it influence families and their capacity to meet the needs, purposes, and responsibilities? We discussed this question in some depth in class this week, and it really got  me thinking and evaluating my own ideas about families and social class.  I do believe that social class influences family.  To say it has no effect would be naive because society is always affecting family and family is always affecting society.  However, I don't think social class has as big of an influence on the CAPACITY of a family to be functional.  Families in any economic situation can meet the needs, purposes, and responsibilities of a family; it just might take extra effort for some.

Looking at families, I don't think social class has much to do with how well they function.  Families in any social class, from the dirt poor to the extreme rich, can be completely capable and functional in fulfilling their purposes, and families in those same categories can be extremely disfunctional and disjointed.  I believe the matter is more about the individual choices of the family and its members; personal decisions are the key factor in whether a family will be functional or not, regardless of social class.

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