Wednesday, June 20, 2012

You Never Need to Stand Alone

"God never intended that His children should stand alone. Children have parents, and parents have the Church, with the scriptures, living prophets and Apostles, and the Holy Ghost, to help them understand proper principles and act upon those principles in fulfilling their parental responsibilities." - M. Russel Ballard, "Strength in Counsel", Oct. 1993.  

I often hear women say that they don't know how to raise kids or what they're doing.  They're concerned that they won't be able to lead their children in the correct paths and help them navigate in this crazy world.  Honestly, I've had similar concerns myself.  However, it's important to remember that you are never alone; the Lord has provided many resources for us to use to be successful parents and leaders.  I think it's especially important to be receptive to and follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost.  With the Lord leading you, you can never go wrong!!  Do your best and leave the rest up to Him.  Everything will work out one day.  

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